


Aquatic Insects: Whatcom Creek’s Smallest Scientists

Aquatic Insects: Whatcom Creek’s Smallest Scientists

Join us for this talk inspired by Sam Bottman's "A Creek Runs Through It" Environmental biologist Megan Schulz will explain how freshwater bugs can be used to monitor the health of rivers, streams and creeks. Scientists studying Whatcom Creek have used these insects to gauge water quality for years. The short, informative talk will be followed by a hands-on experience identifying bugs collected from Whatcom Creek.  We hope to see you there! Megan Schulz was born and raised in Ferndale before...

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Library Update & an Introduction to Heather Jefferson

Library Update & an Introduction to Heather Jefferson

The library at Mindport has undergone a recent change, which is that we are now using the book collections on display as an opportunity to highlight specific topics, writers, educators or artists. We've arranged the space to be an intimate, calm place for reflection or conversations, and we hope you'll come visit soon. We're thrilled to introduce you to our first collaborator to be highlighted in the library space, Heather Jefferson. Heather researched and curated a collection of titles in...

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Old Favorites Return to Mindport in February

Old Favorites Return to Mindport in February

The exhibit Rollentless has been in storage; it will be reinstalled in February for patrons to enjoy once more. In 2012, exhibit maker John Ito designed one of Mindport’s most interactive exhibits— Rollentless. This exhibit is the most interactive because it consists of many parts; there are over forty varied track pieces to choose from. Some pieces are short, some are medium-sized and undulating; others are two feet long and can stretch all the way across the exhibit. Visitors can arrange...

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It’s Mail Time at Mindport: An update about Correspondence Club Meetings

It’s Mail Time at Mindport: An update about Correspondence Club Meetings

Hello, Mindport Mail Art Fans. We have some exciting news for you! Correspondence Club is back!  The next meeting will be on Saturday, February 11 from 10:30-12:30. Correspondence club is hosted by Tallie, who sends this message: We meet (so soon) again for scissor, glue, and paper time. Valentine creations are never required, but possible if desired! Please feel free to share the invitation and accept my apologies for the short notice and quick turn around these days. I hope to give everyone...

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Creek Conversations: Do you have a story to tell about Whatcom Creek?

Creek Conversations: Do you have a story to tell about Whatcom Creek?

Do you have a story to tell about Whatcom Creek?  We want to hear from you. The current exhibit in our gallery space, A Creek Runs Through It, features large-scale photos of Whatcom Creek by Sam Bottman. We are going to open our gallery for informal evening gatherings during the months of February and March to invite people in to tell their own stories about Whatcom Creek. We've already heard so many unique stories about people's experiences with this important waterway that runs through the...

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Winter Weather Closure

Winter Weather Closure

Hello, Friends! Bellingham has had quite the year! It seems like a natural time to take a break. We have been looking forward to seeing families and friends gather at Mindport this season, however, we're finding that it may be wisest to be closed this week with the arrival of very low temperatures, ice and snow. Mindport will be closed Wednesday Dec 21-Sunday Dec 25. This is a change to our earlier winter weather closure plans, but we weren't expecting this much ice!  With the hope that severe...

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